
Retail is the perfect therapy for Jade

Before working with the team at AimBig Employment on the Gold Coast, Jade had faced challenges in her previous workplaces, largely due to a lack of awareness and understanding of her ADHD diagnosis. However, Heidi, a Business Development Consultant from AimBig Employment, stepped in to provide her with the guidance and support she needed to build her confidence and secure suitable employment.

At the heart of Jade’s transformation are her conversations with her employer and the assessment of her unique skill set by AimBig Employment. Through these discussions, Jade has not only found a place where she fits but is also thriving, thanks to the support of her manager and the support from Heidi. Jade now finds herself in a position of success, which reflects the assistance she has received on her journey.

AimBig Employment played a pivotal role in Jade’s journey, equipping her with vital interview techniques that bolstered her confidence and increased her chances of securing a suitable role. Furthermore, they ensured that the practical aspects of her employment were not a hindrance, providing a petrol voucher to assist with her transportation needs when commencing her new role and offering clothing support if necessary.

Jade’s perseverance and AimBig Employment’s support soon saw celebrations as she secured a position with Club Demonstration Services. She now works 25 hours per week in a Sales and Customer Service role within a retail environment. Jade’s employer at Club Demonstration Services has not only been understanding but also incredibly supportive, creating an environment in which Jade can truly flourish.

With the right support and understanding, Jade has fallen in love with her role. Her employer describes Jade as a great employee who consistently meets her targets, underscoring the transformation that can occur when individuals with ADHD receive the understanding and support they deserve.

If you want to unlock your potential like Jade, enquire today.

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