Programs for your development

At AimBig employment, our focus is on you and your individual needs. That’s why we have developed a range of bespoke innovative programs to offer real support and enhance the skills you may need for employment. 


If you have had a physical or psychological injury or illness, MyDirection has been developed for you. It’s a structured program with separate modules that are aimed at supporting your recovery. The beauty of it is that you choose the modules that you need to optimise your strength and skills. 


Looking to find work that you’re suited to in the shortest possible time? If you have a disability, injury or health condition or have been long term unemployed Job Club has been created for you. In an 8-week, guided job seeking skills and job-finding program, you’ll work within a group of like-minded individuals receiving intensive coaching on job search related skills. Through the power of collaboration and peer tutoring, you’ll be job ready and in the workplace in no time. 


If you’re looking to get back to work as a mature worker, digital skills no longer need to be a barrier. SkillRestart has been developed to support you and upskill your digital know-how so that you’re ready to work in an office-based, or work-from-home role.