Employer and AimBig Employment employee shaking hands

Working in Partnership With Local Businesses

Across the nation for AimBig Employment, our specialised teams are focused on building mutually beneficial, lasting relationships between employers and job seekers.

An employer that we have seen a successful partnership with is Top End Consulting, a leading provider of recruitment and labour hire throughout the Northern Territory and North Queensland.

Top End Consulting took on AimBig participant Samuel, an individual living with disability looking for meaningful work. Samuel began working as pick packer and receiving handler and has become an integral part of his team, whereby he performs exceptionally and has changed the dynamic of the team he works in. Samuel originally started on a 3.5-hour day commitment to settle in and has successfully transitioned into a full working week of 38+ hours.

We chatted to owner Paul to gain insight on why he originally chose to employ individuals with disability.

“I chose to hire an individual with a disability as I have endeavoured to preference individuals with barriers such as youth and disability.

The term ‘people with barriers’ applies to everyone. Why should someone who identifies their barrier be disregarded? I choose to give anyone who is prepared to take a chance with me an opportunity to see how high they can achieve.

I can honestly say that when employing a person with a disability it’s not just giving them a job, you also give them community, a strong sense of belonging and most of all creating an opportunity that should have been afforded to them no matter their barrier. I have found over my time working with barriers that 99% of the time they have enhanced the workplace as they have positive outlooks, strive to achieve and are more grateful for the opportunity you gave them.”

We are dedicated to providing support for employers hiring individuals with disability, whether it is helping them access funding for workplace modifications, providing disability awareness training, accessing wage subsidies, or promoting job vacancies. On top of this, we provide post placement support, where our staff regularly stay in touch with the employee and employer to ensure a seamless transition of the job seeker into the workplace.

This level of support is one of the reasons why employers such as Paul find the process of using our free recruitment services hassle-free.

“The job coach I work with at AimBig Employment, Rebecca Pearce, is a key part of the way we work. This relationship has been mutually beneficial, where its ensured that a smooth integration back into the work force is achievable. Without her support, Samuel would not be growing at such an outstanding rate.

We have formed a strong working relationship with AimBig, I can be assured that if I call Rebecca I am supported. She makes me confident that we can provide the best possible outcome for our candidates to ensure a long, positive employment.

AimBig are here not just to support the individual, they are also there to help the employer. My only misgiving is that more employers have not found the wealth of opportunity there is in the disabled community.”

Looking to recruit hard-working, passionate staff with a managed disability? Get in touch with us today: https://www.aimbigemployment.com.au/employers/

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