Annual Mental Health Series Launch

Arriba Group is hosting a series of webinars designed to provide tools that will enable you to nurture your mental health.

As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, Arriba Group, the parent company of Rehab Management, AimBig and LiveBig has curated a webinar program filled with a variety of experts in the mental health field.

Over the course of the webinars, attendees will be provided with useful insights and strategies to empower them to nurture their mental health.

There are a wide range of experienced mental health speakers discussing a variety of topics during the month of October.

Arriba Group encourages anyone to register for these webinars and attend these valuable sessions.

> Click here to register

Annual Mental Health Series Calendar

Mental Health and Work: Recognise, Respond and Resource
Angela Pilcher, Rehab Management
Thursday 7th October, 12pm – 1pm
Building Resilience Through Uncertainty
Anastasia Hadjidemetri, Rehab Management
Tuesday 12th October, 12pm – 1pm
Digital Health Evolution: The past, present and what next?
Michelle Barratt, Rehab Management
Wednesday 13th October, 12pm – 1pm
Levelling up your energy and emotional regulation – how to lead yourself and others
Maggie Lichaa, Maggie Lichaa Human Connection Specialist
Thursday 14th October, 12pm – 1pm
Engaging with Lived Experience of Mental Health to Maximise your Workplace Programs
Camille Wilson, Grow Together Now
Tuesday 19th October, 12pm – 1pm
Mental health safety and accessibility at work: Psychosocial risk from the perspective of lived experience
Stephanie Thompson & Asha Zappa, WayAhead NSW
Thursday 21st October, 12pm – 1pm
Mental Health Literacy Challenges in Emergency Services and Importance of Peer Support
Matt Newlands, Lived Experience Stakeholder Engagement Manager at Military and Emergency Services Health Australia
Tuesday 26th October, 12pm – 1pm
Stepped Care Approaches to Mental Health
Dr Anastasia Hronis, Founder of the Australian Institute for Human Wellness
Wednesday 27th October, 12pm – 1pm
Building your Mental Muscles
Jacqui White, Clear Thinking Mental Health Group
Thursday 28th October, 12pm – 1pm


Discover more about the exciting list of speakers that will be featured duing the webinar series and the topics that they will be covering.

Mental Health and Work: Recognise, Respond and Resource
Angela Pilcher, Rehab Management
Thursday 7th October, 12pm – 1pm

Topic Summary

  • The big picture of mental health and work and how they interlink
  • How to raise awareness of mental health in the workplace
  • How to recognise, respond to and approach workers with mental health issues
  • Solutions on how to minimise workplace stressors and subsequent mental health issues

Speaker summary

Angela Pilcher is the Group State Manager for Rehab Management covering the WA, SA and NT regions. She has over ten years’ experience in workplace rehabilitation services and a strong background in psychological claims management. As part of her role, Angela offers one-on-one interaction with injured workers, providing vocational support and counselling, while also working with employers to build their capacity to prevent and manage psychological injury in the workplace. Angela has a Master of Occupational Health and Safety Environmental Management from Australian Catholic University, a Master of Business Management from Monash University and a Graduate Diploma in Psychology from Charles Darwin University. She has post-graduate qualifications in indigenous mental health and a wealth of experience working in rural and remote regions.

Building Resilience Through Uncertainty
Anastasia Hadjidemetri, Rehab Management
Tuesday 12th October, 12pm – 1pm

Topic summary

‘Bouncing back and falling forward’

In this Mental Health Awareness webinar, we will explore the impact stress and uncertainty can have on us feeling overwhelmed and performing at our best. This workshop will provide a toolkit of practical daily disciplines and strategies to keep you focused, cultivate a positive/growth mindset to reach your full potential – in your relationships, in life and at work.

Speaker summary

Anastasia is industry-recognised for her commitment and innovation in overcoming mental health challenges of worklessness by integrating the pursuit of best-practice into vocational rehabilitation training and case management.

By having the unique perspectives, interests, and passions of every client at the heart of their return to work journey, Anastasia has successfully delivered coaching, training and led high-performing teams to excellence in new employer services.

Anastasia is passionate about combining and activating the talents, ideas, and experience of our people, making everyone on the team better whilst empowering our clients to unlock the direct pathway to employment and return to life and function.

Digital Health Evolution: The past, present and what next?
Michelle Barratt, Rehab Management
Wednesday 13th October, 12pm – 1pm

Topic summary

Health is a notoriously pen and paper industry, and workplace rehabilitation is no different. Many workplace rehabilitation providers only moved to digital file management in the last ten years and data is often housed in systems where it can’t be analysed or utilised to improve service delivery, customer experience or deliver outcomes effectively.

Rehab Management have invested in a digital roadmap which has led to improved data collection and measurement on traditional health services as well as the creation of revolutionary new health tools such as our StepUpToday and MyDirection programs. Rehab Management was named the #1 Most Innovative Health Company by AFR BOSS in 2020 and we continue to want to push the envelope and discover new, imaginative and engaging ways to support our customers to achieve health and work outcomes.

Speaker summary

Michelle is a registered psychologist with ten years of experience in the workplace rehabilitation sector. She has experience in supporting recovery at work following psychological injury and illness and collaborating with stakeholders to achieve safe and durable outcomes for people experiencing mental ill-health. Michelle has a passion for evidence-based service delivery which is tailored towards positive and inclusive customer experience. In her current role as a National Innovation and Customer Engagement Manager for Rehab Management, Michelle is responsible for developing, implementing and measuring the impact of psychosocial programs designed to prevent or mitigate mental and physical health impacts in the community. Michelle is a Member of the Australian Psychological Society and Australasian Life Underwriting and Claims Association.

Levelling up your energy and emotional regulation – how to lead yourself and others
Maggie Lichaa, Maggie Lichaa Human Connection Specialist
Thursday 14th October, 12pm – 1pm

Topic summary

Your energy is an irreplaceable currency, a finite resource – fueling the way you show up for yourself and others. If you’re feeling the drain and weight of challenging times, you are not alone.

Led by Executive Coach Maggie Lichaa – this session will help you:

  • Regulate your mental and emotional state (emotions = energy in motion!)
  • Understand what personally drives you
  • Define your own version of wellbeing
  • Move forward with clarity, confidence and courage to lead yourself and those within your care

Join in to empower yourself with some practical and powerful tools!

Speaker summary

With her wealth of expertise and experience, Maggie deep dives into the universal concept of human connection, on her insatiable quest to enrich it. Believing that every individual has a profound purpose on the planet – this creative, deep thinker helps those who are feeling disconnected from their ideal place of wellbeing uncover their inner power through deep exploration of self, relationships with others and the world at large.Maggie helps purpose-led individuals and organisations expand their potential, so they can grow with intention, communicate authentically and thrive in meaningful ways. As a Human Connection Specialist, Maggie’s integrative approach combines her expertise in psychology and mindset coaching with her experience in private practice, healthcare, leadership, personal injury insurance and PhD research. Maggie supports both individuals and organisations as a mindset and personal development coach, writer, facilitator and keynote speaker.

Engaging with Lived Experience of Mental Health to Maximise your Workplace Programs
Camille Wilson, Grow Together Now
Tuesday 19th October, 12pm – 1pm

Topic summary

Engaging with Lived Experience of Mental Health to Maximise your Workplace Programs is an informative and thought-provoking session which aims at supporting teams in being able to maximise their mental health workplace programs by engaging into lived experience of mental health. It takes individuals through the importance of the emotional contagion in a program, and the 6 steps that an organisation can take to incorporate LE safely and effectively to create sustainability in a program.

Speaker summary

As the founder of Grow Together Now, a purpose-driven company that offers innovative solutions to addressing mental health in the workplace, Camille Wilson speaks with honesty, expertise, and most importantly, her own lived experience. She values the vital role that mental health plays in stabilising a workplace, and equally understands the severity of what mental illness can impose on an individual’s life. Camille has a Bachelor of Psychology from University of NSW (2012) and is currently part of the academic Master’s program at the Brain and Mind Centre at The University of Sydney. Alongside this, she has worked within human resources for several years, where she has gained insight into how we currently handle mental health in the workplace. Camille hopes to inspire, educate and shift workplace culture to a mentally safe place to work.

Mental health safety and accessibility at work: Psychosocial risk from the perspective of lived experience
Stephanie Thompson & Asha Zappa, WayAhead NSW
Thursday 21st October, 12pm – 1pm

Topic summary

Key learning outcomes: Attendees will come away with:

  • What do we mean by psychosocial risk
  • What does accessibility look like for people living with mental illness
  • Clear, practical tips and principles to consider on how to create a workplace wellbeing program that is inclusive of and accessible for people with diagnosed mental illness and how some traditional ones might not be inclusive (examples for people to relate to, eg )
  • A few key reasons why/ how using lived experience when designing workplace mental health programs makes a difference, and some tips on how workplaces can do this if they don’t know how to start or are too nervous to (eg, how to approach people who have opened up in the past and how to go about finding other people in the organisation. Also what are some important elements to consider when hearing peoples lived experience to make sure they feel safe – eg, debriefing afterwards, ensuring an element of control)

Speaker summary

Asha Zappa is the Mental Health Promotion and Program Manager at WayAhead. They are also a registered art therapist, researcher, and consumer advocate. Asha is currently a consumer researcher with a team at the University of Sydney researching the history of community mental health and the Consumer/Survivor/Ex-Patient Movement in Australia, and is co-ordinating NSW Mental Health Month for WayAhead.

Steph Thompson is the Workplace Health Lead for WayAhead, where she leads the peer to peer program by bringing organisations together and providing platforms for access to best practice workplace wellbeing resources.  She has experience in strategically designing, implementing and evaluating workplace wellbeing initiatives in the private sector for large global organisations, as well as in service delivery in a mental health setting and she sits on reference groups in NSW and QLD. Steph has tertiary qualifications in Social Work and post graduate qualifications in Human Resources.

Mental Health Literacy Challenges in Emergency Services and Importance of Peer Support
Matt Newlands, Lived Experience Stakeholder Engagement Manager at Military and Emergency Services Health Australia
Tuesday 26th October, 12pm – 1pm

Topic summary

Matt will share his story of his time in service, particularly how he struggled to identify his deteriorating mental health, the self-stigma attached to help seeking and how close he came to suicide. More importantly, Matt will share lessons learnt along his path to post-traumatic growth and the importance of engaging the lived expertise of peers to support his overall wellbeing.

Speaker summary

I am a husband and father with 10 years-service with South Australia Police (2006 – 2016). Having been diagnosed with PTSD and depression in 2015, I fought a personal battle with suicidal thoughts and refusal of my diagnosis resulting in the destruction of my personal life and the end of my Policing career in very dramatic circumstances. Completely enveloped in an identity crisis, I found my way through the darkness with support of my family and close friends. I now live a meaningful life ‘after service’ as a qualified counsellor, peer support group facilitator with Military & Emergency Services Health Australia, as well as being a Community Ambassador for RUOK? charity.

Stepped Care Approaches to Mental Health
Dr Anastasia Hronis, Founder of the Australian Institute for Human Wellness
Wednesday 27th October, 12pm – 1pm

Topic summary

Mental health issues are on the rise. Research shows that rates of depression, anxiety, suicide and mental illness are increasing. Worldwide, mental, neurological and substance use disorders account for 10% of the global burden of disease. In Australia, almost half of adults have met diagnostic criteria for anxiety, mood or substance use disorders at some stage of their life, and around 20% will meet criteria within a given year.

Until recently, our approach to mental health care has been largely one of reactivity, with interventions and systems developed out of necessity due to rising mental health concerns. The issue with this approach is that it is a short-term solution. Treating those who are mentally unwell is crucial, but does not address the trend of rising mental health issues.

This webinar will address the need for early interventions to influence the course of mental health disorders with a focus on prevention. We discuss how stepped care models can help us apply staged systems of interventions which range interventions, which are implemented in a way that matches the individual’s needs.

Speaker summary

Dr Anastasia Hronis is a clinical psychologist and founder of the Australian Institute for Human Wellness, an organisation dedicated to meeting the growing need for innovation in mental health care for individuals and communities. She runs her mental health clinic in the St George area of Sydney.  Anastasia is also an Honorary Associate at the University of Technology Sydney where she lectures and supervises students in the Master of Clinical Psychology program.

Anastasia holds a Bachelor of Psychology degree with First Class Honours from the University of Sydney, and a Master of Clinical Psychology degree and PhD from the University of Technology Sydney. Anastasia has presented on her work and research at numerous national and international conferences, and has published in top rated journals.

Building your Mental Muscles
Jacqui White, Clear Thinking Mental Health Group
Thursday 28th October, 12pm – 1pm

Topic summary

Building your Mental Muscles….and help others you love or work with after this session to do the same with some simple daily practices.

Just as we do for our physical health, we need to exercise our mental muscles.  What does this actually mean?  Why didn’t we have this as a subject at school like PE? Come and attend this session if you want to hear proven strategies that help us (and those around us) – we are so complex in our individual and unique experiences that got us to today, so I have some simple strategies that are proven to assist us all become mentally fitter.

Speaker summary

Jacqui is a Registered Psychologist (Masters in Occupational Psychology) and 20 years of experience working with a broad range of clients promoting whole person health and well-being with a strength based focus.

Jacqui has worked at the Senior Executive level as a CEO for an EAP provider, in the Commonwealth (Centrelink and CRS Australia), headspace Ballarat, the Western Victoria Primary Health Network, the Territory Insurance Office (TIO), and now works as a self-employed Psychologist.  She provides training in Mental Fitness for the Western Bulldog’s Programs (Sons and Daughters of the West), a facilitator for the Tackle Your Feelings Program with the AFL Coaches Association, and soon to train Graduate Paramedics for Ambulance Victoria.

Jacqui has used positive psychology since the benefit of its practical application was realised. She weaves this into her practice either in a training, coaching, strategic partnering, mentoring or counselling capacity as she is committed to enhancing individual well-being.

Her expertise in, and passion for, helping individuals reach their full potential ensures a challenging and inspirational partnership is formed. Jacqui helps her clients via a variety of techniques including the benefits of breathing and relaxation techniques, smoking cessation, useful sleep techniques, mindfulness, and a range of therapeutic strategies to ensure sessions are tailored to individual needs.

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